Website Building » Squarespace » Do You Pay Per Website on Squarespace?

Do You Pay Per Website on Squarespace?

Last updated on December 10, 2022 @ 5:39 am

There are many website builders out there that offer a free plan and then charge for additional features or for more traffic. Squarespace is not one of those companies. You can use Squarespace to build as many websites as you want, and you only pay for the features you use.

There are two types of features on Squarespace: storage and bandwidth. Storage is how much space your website uses on our servers. Bandwidth is how much data is transferred from your website to visitors’ computers. We charge for these based on how much you use.

You can see how much storage and bandwidth you’re using by going to the Home Menu, and then clicking Settings. Then, click Billing & Account. Your usage is shown at the top of the page.

PRO TIP: While Squarespace does offer a free trial, you will eventually need to pay for your website. The cost of a Squarespace website depends on the plan you choose. The Personal plan is $12 per month, the Business plan is $18 per month, and the Commerce plan is $26 per month. If you decide to cancel your account, you will lose access to your website and any data you have stored on Squarespace.

If you need more storage or bandwidth, you can upgrade your account at any time. We’ll prorate the charges so that you only pay for what you use for the rest of the month. For example, if you upgrade on the 15th of the month, you’ll only be charged for half of that month’s usage.

Do You Pay Per Website on Squarespace?

No, you do not pay per website on Squarespace.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.