Hosting » Azure » Does Azure DevOps use GitHub?

Does Azure DevOps use GitHub?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 11:45 am

Azure DevOps uses GitHub as the primary source control management (SCM) system. Azure DevOps can manage projects, code, and configuration using Git. Azure DevOps integrates with GitHub to provide the following features:

Project management
Code management
Configuration management

GitHub is a popular SCM system used by developers. Azure DevOps integrates with GitHub to provide a project management solution, code management solution, and configuration management solution. This integration allows developers to work with the same source control system across their development and production environments.

PRO TIP: Azure DevOps does not use GitHub. Azure DevOps is a separate service from GitHub.

Additionally, Azure DevOps integrates with GitHub to provide features such as the ability to deploy code to Azure Cloud Services using GitHubDeploy. This integration allows developers to easily deploy code to Azure Cloud Services without having to use separate SCM systems.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.