Web Design » Canva » Does Canva Have Color Picker?

Does Canva Have Color Picker?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 1:38 pm

There’s no denying that Canva is a powerful design tool. But does it have a color picker? The answer is both yes and no.

Yes, Canva has a color picker that you can use to select colors for your designs. However, the color picker is not as robust as some other design tools. For example, it doesn’t allow you to select colors from an image or save your own custom color palette.

PRO TIP: Canva does not currently have a color picker feature. This means that if you want to change the color of an element on your design, you will need to know the hex code for the color that you want to use. You can find hex codes for colors online or in design programs like Adobe Photoshop.

No, Canva does not have a built-in hex code color picker like some other design tools. However, you can still find the hex code for any color in Canva by opening the color picker and selecting the “Custom” tab. From there, you can select any color from the color wheel and the hex code will be displayed in the field at the bottom of the window.

So, while Canva’s color picker isn’t as robust as some other design tools, it does still have some helpful features that allow you to select colors for your designs.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.