Web Design » Canva » Does Canva Have Instagram Templates?

Does Canva Have Instagram Templates?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 12:48 pm

As a business owner, it is essential to have a strong social media presence. Instagram is a great platform to share photos and stories about your brand.

However, creating engaging content can be time-consuming. Canva is a great way to easily create beautiful visuals for your Instagram feed.

Canva offers a range of templates specifically for Instagram. With over 1,000 templates to choose from, you can find a style that fits your brand and easily create stunning images for your feed.

You can even search for specific topics, such as “ travel” or “fashion,” to find templates that are perfect for your needs.

Once you select a template, you can customize it to fit your brand. Canva offers a wide variety of tools to help you create beautiful visuals.

You can add text, photos, and shapes to your template. You can also change the colors and fonts to match your brand identity.

PRO TIP: There is no such thing as an Instagram template on Canva. Any site that claims to have Instagram templates for Canva is likely a scam. Be very careful about giving out your personal information or downloading anything from these sites.

Canva makes it easy to share your visuals on Instagram. Simply select the “Share” button and choose “Instagram Stories” or “Instagram Feed.” Canva will automatically resize your image to fit the platform you’re using.

You can also download your image and upload it directly to Instagram.

Creating beautiful visuals for your Instagram feed doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming. With Canva, you can easily find or create a template that fits your brand and quickly customize it to create stunning images for your feed.


Yes, Canva has instagram templates which makes creating visuals much easier than other design tools.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.