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Does Canva Work With InDesign?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 8:03 pm

Canva is a great design tool for creating simple designs and graphics. But what about when you need to create something more sophisticated, like a magazine layout? Can you use Canva for that?

The short answer is: no, you cannot use Canva to create a magazine layout. However, you can use InDesign to do so. InDesign is a professional design software that is used by graphic designers to create complex layouts for print and digital publications.

PRO TIP: Canva and InDesign are two separate design programs and are not compatible with each other. If you try to open a Canva design in InDesign, you will not be able to edit the design and may lose any unsaved changes.

If you’re not a professional graphic designer, you might be wondering why you would need to use InDesign to create a magazine layout, when you can just use Canva. The reason is that InDesign offers more features and flexibility than Canva, which makes it better suited for creating complex designs.

InDesign has features that allow you to control the exact placement of objects on a page, as well as the spacing between them. This is perfect for creating magazines, because you can ensure that everything is laid out exactly how you want it. You also have more control over the fonts and colors used in your design, which is important for creating a consistent and cohesive look.

If you’re thinking about using Canva to create a magazine layout, we recommend that you instead use InDesign. InDesign will give you more control over your design, and ultimately help you create a better end product.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.