Website Building » WooCommerce » Does Ecwid Work With WooCommerce?

Does Ecwid Work With WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 7:09 pm

Ecommerce platforms like WooCommerce and Ecwid are helping small businesses to go online and reach a wider audience. But which one should you choose for your business?

WooCommerce is a popular ecommerce platform for WordPress websites. It is free to use and comes with plenty of features to get you started.

WooCommerce is a good choice for businesses that already use WordPress or are planning to set up a WordPress website. It is easy to set up and use, and there are plenty of themes and plugins available.

Ecwid is a cloud-based ecommerce platform that can be added to any website. It is easy to set up and use, and there are no transaction fees. Ecwid is a good choice for businesses that want to add ecommerce functionality to an existing website or blog.

PRO TIP: There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a number of factors, including the specific versions of Ecwid and WooCommerce you are using, your hosting environment, and your website’s configuration. In general, however, we do not recommend using Ecwid with WooCommerce due to potential compatibility issues. If you do choose to use both Ecwid and WooCommerce on your website, we recommend carefully testing everything before making your site live.

So, which one should you choose?

It depends on your needs. If you already have a WordPress website or plan to set one up, WooCommerce would be a good choice. If you want to add ecommerce functionality to an existing website or blog, Ecwid would be a good choice.

Does Ecwid Work With WooCommerce?

The two platforms are compatible with each other, so you can use Ecwid on a WooCommerce site or vice versa.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.