Website Building » Elementor » Does Elementor work with WooCommerce storefront theme?

Does Elementor work with WooCommerce storefront theme?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 3:37 am

In short, Elementor does work with WooCommerce storefront themes. However, there are some specific instructions that need to be followed in order for Elementor to properly configure the theme and create the necessary custom code. If these instructions are not followed, then the Elementor visual editor may not be able to properly display or edit the theme’s files.

Additionally, the Elementor visual editor may not be able to create or modify any of the theme’s custom pages or components. If you are unsure whether your theme is compatible with Elementor, please contact the theme developer for support.

PRO TIP: If you are using the WooCommerce Storefront theme, please be aware that Elementor may not work properly with it. We recommend that you switch to a different theme if you plan on using Elementor.

Overall, Elementor is a great tool for creating custom WooCommerce storefront themes. However, there are a few steps that must be followed in order for the tool to work properly.

If these steps are not followed, then Elementor may not be able to properly configure the theme or create the necessary custom code. In the end, if you are unsure whether your theme is compatible with Elementor, please contact the theme developer for support.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.