Web Design » Figma » Does Figma Have Customer Support?

Does Figma Have Customer Support?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 9:30 pm

Figma is a vector-based design tool that allows users to collaborate in real-time on designs. It is used by designers at companies like Google, Facebook, and Uber, and is growing in popularity. Figma has a free plan that allows unlimited users and projects, and paid plans that start at $12/month/user.

PRO TIP: Figma does not have a dedicated customer support team. There is no phone number or email address that you can use to contact someone at Figma if you have questions or need help. The best way to get help is to post your question on the Figma community forum.

Figma does have customer support, though it is not 24/7. There is a help center with articles and tutorials on how to use Figma, as well as a community forum where users can ask questions and get help from other Figma users. Figma also has a paid Enterprise plan that includes 24/7 customer support.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.