Web Development » Fiverr » Does Fiverr Affiliate Pay for Clicks?

Does Fiverr Affiliate Pay for Clicks?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 1:17 am

As an affiliate marketer, you want to know which affiliate networks pay for clicks. Fiverr is one of the most popular networks and it has an affiliate program. Does Fiverr pay for clicks?

The answer is no. Fiverr does not have a pay-per-click program. However, they do have a pay-per-lead program.

affiliates can earn $5 per lead. So, if you can generate leads for Fiverr, you can make some money.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that clicking on links to Fiverr affiliate sites may result in the site owner being paid for the referral. As always, use caution when clicking on unknown links.

Fiverr also has a pay-per-sale program. affiliates can earn up to $150 per sale. So, if you can generate sales for Fiverr, you can make a lot of money.

In conclusion, Fiverr does not pay for clicks. However, they do have a pay-per-lead and pay-per-sale program that affiliates can take advantage of to make money.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.