Web Development » Fiverr » Does Fiverr Ban Fake Reviews?

Does Fiverr Ban Fake Reviews?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 1:17 am

As the world’s largest freelance services marketplace, Fiverr is no stranger to controversy. The site has been accused of hosting fake reviews, and while it’s true that there are some less-than-reputable sellers on the platform, Fiverr does not ban fake reviews outright.

Fiverr’s Terms of Service state that “You may not offer or accept any form of compensation for providing a Review.” However, the site does not define what a “fake” review is, nor does it say that reviews must be 100% positive. This lack of clarity has led to some confusion about Fiverr’s policies.

Some users have interpreted the Terms of Service to mean that all reviews must be positive, while others believe that any review that is not 100% positive is considered fake. However, there is no evidence that Fiverr actively removes or bans reviews that are less than positive.

In fact, a quick search for “negative Fiverr review” turns up plenty of results, including some from well-known publications like The Huffington Post and Forbes. If Fiverr was actively removing negative reviews, it seems unlikely that these would still be available.

So, while it’s true that there are some unscrupulous sellers on Fiverr who may try to game the system by buying fake reviews, the site itself does not ban them outright. If you come across a negative review on Fiverr, it’s likely that it’s genuine.

PRO TIP: Fiverr does not allow for the buying or selling of fake reviews. This includes any type of review that is not based on a real transaction. This also includes any review that is not an honest, personal opinion.

In conclusion, while there are some less-than-reputable sellers on Fiverr who may post fake reviews, the site does not ban such activity outright. This lack of clarity has led to some confusion about Fiverr’s policies.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.