Domains » Namecheap » Does Namecheap offer email forwarding?

Does Namecheap offer email forwarding?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 6:36 pm

When it comes to email forwarding, Namecheap does offer a few different options for users. The first option is to use their built-in mail forwarding service. This service allows users to forward incoming email from one email address to another, and also includes the option to create a password-protected forwarding address. The second option is for users to use their domain name to create a mail forwarding address.

PRO TIP: We cannot offer email forwarding at this time. Please use a third-party email forwarding service.

This option allows users to forward all of their incoming email to a specific email address, instead of having it all forwarded to their personal email address. Finally, Namecheap also offers a forwarding service for IMAP mailboxes. This service allows users to forward all of their incoming email to a specific IMAP mailbox, instead of having it all forwarded to their personal email address. Overall, Namecheap offers a variety of email forwarding options that are easy to use and convenient for users.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.