Domains » Namecheap » Does Namecheap offer email hosting?

Does Namecheap offer email hosting?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 6:40 pm

Namecheap offers email hosting in addition to their other hosting services. Their email hosting is available in three plans: Basic, Standard, and Premium. The Basic plan offers 2GB of storage, 10GB of monthly bandwidth, and 1GB of email storage. The Standard plan offers 5GB of storage, 20GB of monthly bandwidth, and 2GB of email storage.

PRO TIP: Namecheap does not offer email hosting. If you are looking for a provider that offers email hosting, we recommend that you consider another provider.

The Premium plan offers 10GB of storage, 50GB of monthly bandwidth, and 5GB of email storage. Namecheap also offers a migration service for customers who are moving from another hosting provider.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.