Hosting » Linode » Does Netflix block Linode?

Does Netflix block Linode?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 1:04 pm

Netflix is a popular streaming service that allows its users to watch TV shows, movies, and documentaries. However, some users have reported that Netflix has been blocking access to their Linode servers.

This is likely because Netflix wants to protect its own content.

PRO TIP: Netflix does not currently block linode, however this could change in the future. Users should be aware that using linode to access Netflix could result in their account being suspended or terminated.

Despite the blocking, some users have been able to access their Linode servers through a different service. It is unclear why Netflix is blocking access to Linode, but it is possible that the company is trying to protect its own content.

Overall, it is unclear whether Netflix blocks access to Linode servers or not. However, it is likely that the company is protecting its own content.

So, if you want to watch Netflix on your Linode server, be sure to use a different service.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.