Web Design » Photoshop » Does Photoshop Have WebP?

Does Photoshop Have WebP?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 1:14 am

Yes, Photoshop does have WebP support. You can export to the WebP format in Photoshop by going to File > Export > Export As. In the drop-down menu next to “Format”, select “WebP”.

WebP is a relatively new image format that offers superior compression to other formats like JPEG and PNG. This means that you can save space on your website or blog by using WebP images instead of other formats.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that Photoshop does not currently support the WebP file format. If you attempt to open a WebP file in Photoshop, you will receive an error message.

Photoshop’s support for WebP means that you can easily create or convert existing images to the WebP format, without having to use any special software. This makes it easy to use WebP images on your website or blog.

Conclusion: Yes, Photoshop does have WebP support. You can export to the WebP format in Photoshop by going to File > Export > Export As.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.