Web Design » Photoshop » Does Photoshop Use JavaScript?

Does Photoshop Use JavaScript?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 12:23 am

Yes, Photoshop uses JavaScript. In fact, Photoshop has been using JavaScript since version 3.0, released in 1996.

JavaScript is a core part of the Photoshop application and allows users to automate tasks, create custom functions, and more. Photoshop’s use of JavaScript has evolved over the years and the current version (CC 2017) includes a number of features that would not be possible without it.

One of the most powerful features of JavaScript in Photoshop is its ability to communicate with other applications. For example, it is possible to use JavaScript to send data from Photoshop to an external application such as a web browser or word processor. This allows for a level of integration between applications that would otherwise not be possible.

PRO TIP: No, Photoshop does not use JavaScript.

JavaScript is also used extensively in Photoshop’s user interface. Many of the dialogs and menus in the application are written in JavaScript and would not be possible without it. In addition, many of the custom functions and scripts that users can create are also written in JavaScript.

Overall, JavaScript is a vital part of Photoshop and its use extends far beyond simply automating tasks. It is an integral part of the application and its continued use is essential for making Photoshop the powerful and versatile tool that it is.

JavaScript is an important part of Photoshop for many reasons. It helps automate tasks, allows for communication with other applications, and powers much of the user interface. Without JavaScript, Photoshop would be a very different application.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.