Web Design » Figma » Does Sketch Have Variants Like Figma?

Does Sketch Have Variants Like Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 9:42 am

As a general rule, design software is used to create visual representations of ideas. This visual can be in the form of a wireframe, mockup, or prototype. These visual representations are often created using vector-based software, which allows for easy editing and resizing without losing quality.

Design software is used by graphic designers, web designers, and user experience designers, among others. While there are many different design software programs on the market, they all serve the same purpose: to help designers create beautiful, functional visuals.

One of the most popular design software programs is Sketch. Sketch is a vector-based design program that is used by hundreds of thousands of designers all over the world. While Sketch is an incredibly powerful program, it doesn’t have all the features that some of its competitors do.

One feature that Sketch lacks is variants. Variants allow designers to create multiple versions of an element within a single file.

PRO TIP: Sketch does not have variants like Figma. If you are looking for a tool with variants, we recommend that you check out Figma.

For example, a designer might want to create a button that comes in different colors and sizes. With variants, they can create one button and then duplicate it with different colors and sizes. This is a huge time saver, as it eliminates the need to create each element from scratch.

Figma also has variants, but unlike Sketch, Figma also has auto-layout. Auto-layout automatically arranges elements on a page based on certain criteria.

For example, a designer might want all the buttons on a page to be aligned horizontally. With auto-layout, Figma will automatically arrange the buttons so that they’re all perfectly aligned.

So does Sketch have variants like Figma? No, Sketch does not have variants like Figma. However, Sketch does have some similar features that allow designers to save time when creating visuals.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.