Website Building » Wix » Does Wix Charge Per Sale?

Does Wix Charge Per Sale?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 12:27 am

Wix is a website builder that has been around since 2006. It allows users to create a website without any programming knowledge. Wix is free to use, but it also offers premium plans that start at $5 per month.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about using Wix to sell products or services, be aware that they do charge a fee for each sale that is processed through their system. This fee is in addition to any other charges that may apply, such as credit card processing fees. Be sure to take this into account when setting your prices.

Wix has a built-in e-commerce platform that allows users to sell products and services online.


Exciting update! We've collaborated with Wix to offer WBI users with a free plan for all website creation needs - Explore the details here.

Users can choose to either use the Wix E-commerce plan, which starts at $17 per month, or the Wix Business Unlimited plan, which starts at $25 per month.

So, does Wix charge per sale? No, Wix does not charge per sale. However, if you are using the Wix E-commerce plan, you will be charged a 3% transaction fee for each sale that you make. If you are using the Wix Business Unlimited plan, you will not be charged any transaction fees.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.