Website Building » Wix » Does Wix Do IDX?

Does Wix Do IDX?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 7:13 am

If you’re a real estate agent, you’re always looking for new leads. And if you’re looking for new leads, you might be wondering if Wix does IDX.

IDX, or Internet Data Exchange, is a system that allows real estate agents to display listings from other agents on their own websites. This is a great way to get your listings in front of more people, and it can help you generate more leads.


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So does Wix do IDX?

The short answer is no. Wix does not currently offer IDX integration. However, there are some workarounds that you can use to get your listings on your Wix website.

PRO TIP: If you are considering using Wix for your website, be aware that they do not currently offer IDX (Internet Data Exchange) integration. This means that if you want to display MLS listings on your Wix site, you will need to find another solution.

One workaround is to use a third-party IDX solution like dsIDXpress. dsIDXpress is a WordPress plugin that allows you to display IDX listings on your Wix website.

To use dsIDXpress, you’ll need to sign up for a WordPress account and then install the plugin on your WordPress site. Once the plugin is installed, you can use the dsIDXpress widget to display your listings on your Wix site.

Another workaround is to use an iframe to display your listings on your Wix site. An iframe is an HTML element that allows you to embed content from another website on your own website. To use an iframe, you’ll need to get the HTML code for your listing from your MLS or other source, and then add that code to an iframe element on your Wix site.

While neither of these workarounds is perfect, they can help you get your listings in front of more people by displaying them on your Wix website. So if you’re looking for new leads, consider using one of these workarounds to display your listings on your Wix site.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.