Website Building » Wix » Does Wix Offer Free Shipping?

Does Wix Offer Free Shipping?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 1:29 am

If you’re looking for a way to create a website, you may have heard of Wix. Wix is a website builder that allows you to create a website without any coding knowledge.

You can choose from a variety of templates and designs, or you can create your own. Wix also offers a variety of features, including ecommerce and SEO tools.


Exciting update! We've collaborated with Wix to offer WBI users with a free plan for all website creation needs - Explore the details here.

One of the questions we get asked often is whether Wix offers free shipping. The answer is yes! Wix does offer free shipping on some products. However, not all products are eligible for free shipping.

For example, if you’re selling physical goods, you’ll need to set up shipping rates. And if you’re selling digital products, you won’t be able to offer free shipping. But if you’re selling services or other types of products that don’t require shipping, then you can offer free shipping to your customers.

PRO TIP: If you are looking for a free shipping option with Wix, you will be disappointed. While Wix does offer a variety of shipping options for your products, they do not offer free shipping. If you are looking to save on shipping costs, we recommend looking into other ecommerce platforms that offer free shipping options.

If you’re thinking about using Wix to create your website, then be sure to take advantage of their free shipping offers. It’s a great way to save money on your website costs, and it can help you attract more customers.

Does Wix Offer Free Shipping?
Wix offers free shipping on some products but not all products are elligible for free shipping. If you are selling physical goods, you will need to set up shipping rates and if you are selling digital products, you will not be able to offer free shipping.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.