Website Building » Wix » Does Wix Support Multi Currency?

Does Wix Support Multi Currency?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 7:21 am

Wix is a popular website builder that allows users to create and design their own websites. One of the great things about Wix is that it supports multiple currencies.

This means that you can create a website in any currency and have it automatically converted to another currency. For example, if you create a website in US dollars, you can have it automatically converted to Euros.


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This is a great feature for businesses that operate in multiple countries or for individuals who want to sell products or services to people in different countries. It can also be helpful if you are traveling to another country and want to use your home currency on your website.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that Wix does not currently support multi currency. This means that if you are selling products or services on your Wix site, you will only be able to do so in one currency. This may cause problems for customers who are trying to purchase from your site in a different currency, as they will not be able to do so. We recommend that you only sell in one currency on your Wix site to avoid any potential issues.

To use this feature, simply select the currency you want to use from the drop-down menu on the left-hand side of the screen. Then, enter the amount you want to convert in the box on the right-hand side.

Wix will automatically convert the amount to the selected currency.

You can also specify whether you want the currency to be displayed as a symbol or as a three-letter code. For example, if you select US dollars as your currency, you can choose to have it displayed as either “$” or “USD”.

Does Wix Support Multi Currency?

Yes, Wix supports multi currency which is a great feature for businesses that operate in multiple countries or for individuals who want to sell products or services to people in different countries.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.