Website Building » WooCommerce » Does WooCommerce Support Divi?

Does WooCommerce Support Divi?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 2:42 pm

Yes, WooCommerce does support Divi. WooCommerce is a plugin for WordPress that allows you to turn your WordPress site into an online store.

Divi is a WordPress theme that allows you to create beautiful websites. Together, these two tools can help you create a stunning online store.

Here are some things to keep in mind when using WooCommerce with Divi:

1. Make sure you are using the latest version of Divi. Divi is constantly being updated with new features and improvements. By using the latest version, you’ll ensure that your website is compatible with WooCommerce and all of its features.

2. Choose a child theme. When using WooCommerce with Divi, it’s best to choose a child theme. This will help ensure that your website’s design isn’t affected by any updates to WooCommerce or Divi.

3. Use the WooCommerce Builder. The WooCommerce Builder is a tool that allows you to easily create custom pages for your online store. This builder is designed to work with Divi, so you’ll be able to take advantage of all the features that Divi has to offer.


WooCommerce and Divi are two great tools that can help you create a beautiful online store. Keep in mind that it’s important to use the latest version of Divi and to choose a child theme when using WooCommerce with Divi. Also, be sure to take advantage of the WooCommerce Builder when creating custom pages for your store.

PRO TIP: WooCommerce does not support Divi. Use at your own risk.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.