Web Design » Canva » How to Embed a YouTube Video in Canva Presentation [Working Method 2024]

How to Embed a YouTube Video in Canva Presentation [Working Method 2024]

Last updated on February 4, 2024 @ 5:01 pm

YouTube is a great resource for finding videos to use in your Canva presentations. Here’s a quick guide on how to embed a YouTube video in your presentation:

1. First, go to the left corner and scroll to the bottom part, where you can find the “More” option.

More option in the toolbar of Canva

2. Scroll at the middle part and select the Youtube icon.

insert youtube link Canva presentation

3. Look for the video title you’re looking for by typing it in the search bar. Once you have found it, drag it into one of your slides. You can even adjust the size of the video preview and add animations to it!

youtube video embedded into a slide presentation

An alternative way to embed YT video in Canva

You can embed a YouTube video in your Canva presentation in two ways. The first method is using the Canva YouTube widget (explained above), which allows you to add an embedded video directly from your account on Canva.com or within any of our apps (available for iOS and Android).

The second method is by adding a link to it in your presentation’s text field:


This will cause Canva to display a small rectangle containing everything that you need to see onscreen when someone clicks or taps on it. Visually, it will produce the same preview using the first method. The only difference is how it was added on the presentation.

And that’s all there is to it! Now you can add some engaging visuals to your presentations with ease.

PRO TIP: If you are planning to embed a YouTube video in your Canva presentation, be aware that there are certain risks involved. First and foremost, YouTube videos are copyrighted material, and you could be held liable for copyright infringement if you use someone else’s video without their permission. Additionally, YouTube videos are not always appropriate for a professional presentation, so use discretion when choosing which videos to embed.


In conclusion, YouTube videos can be embedded into Canva presentations in seconds. It’s easy to do, and you can embed as many videos as you like! We hope this article has been helpful for you if you want to share your favorite YouTube with others.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.