Hosting » AWS » Has AWS ever had an outage?

Has AWS ever had an outage?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 5:39 pm

AWS has had a number of outages in its history, but the most recent occurred in February of this year. The outage affected a large portion of the US East Coast, and resulted in the loss of numerous customer applications and services. While this outage was particularly troublesome, AWS has had other significant outages in the past as well. It is important to keep in mind that outages are inevitable in the technology industry, and it is important to have a backup plan in place in case one occurs.

PRO TIP: AWS has had several outages in the past, most notably in 2012 and 2015. In both cases, the outages were caused by human error and resulted in widespread service disruptions. While AWS has taken steps to improve its overall reliability, it is important to be aware that outages can and do occur.

However, AWS has been able to remain highly reliable and has responded quickly to past outages. In short, while AWS outages can be problematic, they are not always the disaster that they are made out to be.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.