Web Development » Fiverr » How Are Fiverr Fees Calculated?

How Are Fiverr Fees Calculated?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 1:30 am

Fiverr is an online marketplace where freelancers can offer their services for “gigs” that cost $5.00. The site is popular with web developers, designers, and writers, who use it to find work and earn extra money.

Fiverr fees are calculated based on the gig price. For example, if you offer a gig that costs $5.00, Fiverr will keep $1.00 as a commission.

This means that you will earn $4.00 for every gig you complete.

You can also offer gigs for more than $5. In this case, Fiverr will still take a commission, but it will be a smaller percentage of the total price.

For example, if you offer a gig that costs $50.00, Fiverr will keep $2.50 as a commission. This means that you will earn $47.50 for every gig you complete.

PRO TIP: Fiverr fees are calculated based on the total cost of the gig. This means that if you order a gig that costs $5, you will be charged a $1 fee. If you order a gig that costs $10, you will be charged a $2 fee.

In addition to the commission, Fiverr also charges a processing fee of $1.00 for each gig you complete. This fee is charged by Fiverr in order to cover the costs of processing payments and transferring money to your account.


How Are Fiverr Fees Calculated?

Fiverr fees are calculated based on the gig price and a processing fee of $1 is charged for each gig completed.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.