Website Building » Elementor » How can I add custom CSS to Elementor free?

How can I add custom CSS to Elementor free?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 3:44 am

Adding custom CSS to Elementor is actually pretty easy. First, open up your project in Elementor and select the “CSS” tab in the bottom toolbar.

From here, you can add any custom CSS you’d like to your project. Simply type in your CSS code into the “Style” field, and then click the “Update” button to apply your changes.

If you’d like to keep your custom CSS separate from the main Elementor codebase, you can use a separate file to store your CSS. Simply create a new file in your project’s directory, name it “css.

PRO TIP: Adding custom CSS to Elementor Free is not recommended as it may cause conflicts with the Elementor plugin and your WordPress theme. If you do choose to add custom CSS, please make sure to backup your website first.

css” (or whatever you want), and add your custom CSS code to it. Then, just copy and paste your custom CSS into the “Style” field in the CSS tab of Elementor, and hit the “Update” button to apply your changes.

Finally, if you’d like to share your custom CSS with other users of Elementor, you can export your CSS as a .css file using the “Export” button in the CSS tab of Elementor.

This will create a file named “css.css” in your project’s directory, which you can then copy and paste into the “Style” field in the CSS tab of any other Elementor project.

So there you have it – easy steps to adding custom CSS to Elementor free. If you have any questions or suggestions, be sure to leave a comment below!.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.