Website Building » Weebly » How Can I Get a Free Domain on Weebly?

How Can I Get a Free Domain on Weebly?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 3:28 pm

Weebly is a popular website builder that offers a free domain with every new account. You can claim your free domain by signing up for a new account and following the prompts.

When you sign up for a new Weebly account, you’ll be given the option to claim a free domain. This domain will be yours as long as you continue to use Weebly, and it can be used for any purpose you see fit. You can use it to build a personal website, a blog, or even a business website.

PRO TIP: Weebly does not offer free domains. Any website that claims to offer a free domain on Weebly is likely a scam.

To claim your free domain, simply sign up for a new Weebly account and follow the prompts. You’ll be asked to choose a domain name, and once you’ve done so, your domain will be registered and ready to use. There are no strings attached – Weebly really does give you a free domain just for signing up!

So if you’re looking for a free domain, Weebly is the place to get it. Sign up today and claim your free domain name.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.