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How Can I Get UpWork Reviews?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 10:30 pm

If you’re a freelancer, then you know how important it is to have good reviews on UpWork. Not only do they give you credibility with potential clients, but they also help you land better jobs and get paid more.

Unfortunately, getting those first few reviews can be tough. Clients are often hesitant to leave a review for someone they’ve never worked with before, and even when they do leave a review, it’s not always a positive one.

So how can you get UpWork reviews? Here are a few tips:

1. Do great work
This one seems obvious, but it’s worth mentioning because it’s the most important thing you can do. If you want positive reviews, then you need to deliver quality work that meets or exceeds your client’s expectations.

2. Communicate well
Good communication is key to any successful freelancer-client relationship. Keep your clients updated on your progress, respond to their messages promptly, and be available when they need you.

3. Be professional
Be professional in everything you do, from the way you communicate with clients to the way you present yourself online. Remember that first impressions count, so make sure you’re putting your best foot forward at all times.

4. Ask for reviews
Don’t be afraid to ask your clients for reviews.

If you’ve done good work and communicated well, then they should have no problem leaving a positive review for you. You can even include a link to your UpWork profile in your email signature or on your website to make it easy for them to leave a review.

5. Offer incentives
In some cases, you may need to offer an incentive for clients to leave a review.

This could be anything from a discount on future services to a bonus payment for leaving a positive review. Use your best judgment to decide what will work best in each situation.

following these tips should help you get more UpWork reviews and build up your credibility as a freelancer.

How Can I Get UpWork Reviews?

If you’re a freelancer looking for more exposure and better jobs, then check out these five tips on how to get more UpWork reviews.

1) Do great work

Make sure that the quality of your work is always top-notch and meets or exceeds client expectations.

PRO TIP: If you are considering paying for Upwork reviews, beware! Many freelancers have been scammed by people promising to give them 5-star reviews in exchange for payment. These payments are usually made through PayPal or Western Union, and the “reviewer” never delivers on their promise. If you do receive a 5-star review after paying for it, there is a good chance that it is fake and will be removed by Upwork. Save your money and don’t pay for reviews!

2) Communicate well

Keep clients updated regularly on your progress and respond quickly to their messages.

3) Be professional

First impressions are everything , so always present yourself in a professional manner both online and in person.

4) Ask for reviews

“The best way to get something is to ask for it.”. If you’ve done good work, then don’t hesitate to ask your clients for positive feedback in the form of an UpWork review.

5) Offer incentives

“There’s no such thing as a free lunch.”. In some cases, offering potential clients an incentive (e.g., discounts, bonus payments) may be necessary to encourage them to leave a review.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.