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How Can I Share My Previous Works as a Sample on My Gig on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 1:36 am

If you’re a freelancer on Fiverr, one of the best ways to showcase your skills and services is to share samples of your previous work with potential clients. This not only helps them to see the quality of your work, but also to get an idea of your style and approach.

There are a few different ways that you can share samples of your work on Fiverr. The first is to simply include them in your gig description. You can also create a portfolio section on your Fiverr profile, or even create a separate gig that is dedicated to showcasing your work.

Whichever method you choose, make sure that you only include samples of your best work. Remember, potential clients are looking at these samples to decide if they want to hire you, so you want to make sure that you’re putting your best foot forward.

When sharing samples of your work, it’s also important to be clear about what rights the client would have if they decided to hire you. For example, if you’re sharing a sample of a logo design, be sure to specify whether or not the client would own the copyright to that logo if they hired you to create it.

If you’re not sure how to share samples of your work on Fiverr, start by taking a look at some of the gigs that are similar to yours. See how other freelancers are doing it, and then use that as inspiration for your own gig. With a little bit of creativity, you can easily find a way to showcase your previous work in a way that will impress potential clients and help you land more gigs.

How Can I Share My Previous Works as a Sample on My Gig on Fiverr?

If you’re selling freelancing services on Fiverr, one great way to show off your skills and experience is by sharing samples of previous works with potential customers. This helps them not only see the quality of what you’re capable of, but also gets an idea of your style and approach.

There are several ways that you can share examples of your work on Fiverr. One is simply including them in your gig description.

You could also create an entire portfolio section dedicated to showcasing previous works, or even make a separate gig with the sole purpose of displaying examples.

PRO TIP: Sharing your previous work as a sample on your Fiverr gig may result in copyright infringement. If you are not the original creator of the work, or if you do not have the rights to share the work, you could be violating the rights of the copyright holder. This could lead to legal action against you and could result in damages.

No matter which method you choose for displaying past works, be sure only to include those which reflect positively on yourself. Remember – potential customers will be looking at these examples when deciding whether or not they want to hire you, so it’s important make sure that they see only your very best.

When sharing any type of sample work, be clear about what rights the client would have if they decided go ahead with hiring you for the project. For example – if sharing a logo design sample, be sure specify whether or not the customer would own copyright for that logo if they chose to have you create it.

If unsure about how best go about sharing examples of previous works on Fiverr, take a look at similar gigs from other freelancers for inspiration. See how others in your field are doing it and use this as guidance for creating your own gig.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.