Website Building » Wix » How Do Dynamic Pages Work on Wix?

How Do Dynamic Pages Work on Wix?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 9:00 pm

Dynamic pages are pages that are generated by a server in response to a user’s request. They are usually used to display content that is specific to the user, such as their profile page or their settings page.

Dynamic pages are different from static pages, which are typically HTML files that are stored on a server and served to the user when they request them. Static pages don’t change unless the HTML file is updated, while dynamic pages can be generated on-the-fly in response to a user’s request.


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To generate dynamic pages, Wix uses a server-side programming language called PHP. When a user requests a dynamic page, Wix’s servers execute the PHP code and generate the HTML for the page on-the-fly. The PHP code can access information from a database, such as a list of products or a user’s profile information, and use that information to generate the HTML for the page.

How do Dynamic Pages Work on Wix?

Dynamic pages are pages that are generated by a server in response to a user’s request. They are usually used to display content that is specific to the user, such as their profile page or their settings page.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that dynamic pages on Wix can be complex and may take some time to load. If you are not familiar with how they work, please consult with a Wix expert before making any changes.

Dynamic pages are different from static pages, which are typically HTML files that are stored on a server and served to the user when they request them. Static pages don’t change unless the HTML file is updated, while dynamic pages can be generated on-the-fly in response to a user’s request.

To generate dynamic pages, Wix uses a server-side programming language called PHP. When a user requests a dynamic page, Wix’s servers execute the PHP code and generate the HTML for the page on-the-fly.

The PHP code can access information from a database, such as a list of products or a user’s profile information, and use that information to generate the HTML for the page.

How Do Dynamic Pages Work on Wix?
Dynamic pages are generated by a server in response to what actions a viewer takes. For example, if you have ever logged into Facebook, you have utilized dynamic programming. When you log in, Facebook recognizes you based upon your login information.
The content displayed on your newsfeed is unique compared to other users because it has been specifically tailored for you based upon past interactions you have had with other users as well as content.
This same concept applies when you log into your email or any other account where you have an username and password.

Wix also utilizes dynamic programming in order to create websites.
This means that each time someone visits your Wix website, the server looks at what device they are using in order to determine how best to format your site for them.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.