Website Building » Squarespace » How Do I Accept Recurring Donations on Squarespace?

How Do I Accept Recurring Donations on Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 6:15 am

As a not-for-profit organization, you rely on the generosity of your donors to help you achieve your mission. To make it easy for your supporters to donate to your cause on an ongoing basis, you can set up recurring donations on Squarespace.

Recurring donations are an easy way for donors to contribute to your organization on a regular basis without having to remember to log in and make a donation each time. Plus, as a bonus, recurring donations can help you increase your organization’s overall revenue and predictability of funding.

There are two ways to set up recurring donations on Squarespace:

PRO TIP: Please be aware that accepting recurring donations on Squarespace can be risky. There have been reports of people losing money when their donors cancel their recurring payments. If you decide to accept recurring donations on Squarespace, we recommend that you use a third-party service such as PayPal or Stripe to process the payments.
  • 1. Use Squarespace’s built-in tools: If you’re using Squarespace Commerce (Business or Basic plans), you can set up recurring donations using the built-in tools. To do this, you’ll need to create a product with the “Donation” type and enable the “Recurring” option.

    Then, you can add the product to your donation page.

  • 2. Use a third-party service: If you’re using Squarespace Commerce (Advanced plan) or if you’re not using commerce at all, you can use a third-party service like Donorbox or Givelify to accept recurring donations. To set this up, you’ll need to create an account with the service and then add a donation button to your site.

No matter which method you choose, setting up recurring donations on Squarespace is easy and only takes a few minutes. Plus, it’s a great way to show your supporters that you’re committed to making it easy for them to donate to your cause.


In conclusion, setting up recurring donations on Squarespace is an easy way for donors to contribute to your organization on a regular basis without having to remember to log in and make a donation each time.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.