Website Building » WooCommerce » How do I access WooCommerce blocks?

How do I access WooCommerce blocks?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 10:18 pm

WooCommerce blocks are a great way to keep your WooCommerce website organized and clean. They allow you to easily manage your WooCommerce products, categories, and pages.

You can also use WooCommerce blocks to create custom layouts and templates.

To access WooCommerce blocks, open your WooCommerce website. Click on the Blocks tab. You will see a list of blocks. Select a block to edit.

You can change the block’s name, description, and settings. You can also add new blocks.

To add a new block, click on the Add Block button. Select a block type from the list.

PRO TIP: If you are trying to access WooCommerce blocks and are having difficulty, please be aware that there is no easy way to do this. You will need to either find a plugin or custom code to help you with this.

You can also add new blocks. Once you have added the block, you can configure the block’s settings.

To finish editing the block, click on the Save button. You will see the block’s settings in the Block Settings dialog.

You can also preview the block in the Preview Block dialog. Click on the Save button to save the block’s settings.

To use the block, you need to add it to your WooCommerce website. Open your WooCommerce website. Click on the Pages tab. Select a page to edit.

Click on the Blocks tab. Select the block you want to use. You can also add new blocks to a page. Click on the Products tab. Select a product to edit. You can also add new blocks to a product. Click on the Categories tab. Select a category to edit. You can also add new blocks to a category.


Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.