Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Add a Check Box in WooCommerce Checkout?

How Do I Add a Check Box in WooCommerce Checkout?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 12:52 am

Adding a checkbox to the WooCommerce checkout is a simple process that can be accomplished by following these steps:

1. Log into your WordPress account and navigate to the WooCommerce settings page.

2. Click on the “Checkout” tab and then scroll down to the “Checkout Options” section.


Find the “Add a Checkbox” setting and click on the checkbox next to it.

4. Enter the text that you would like to display next to the checkbox in the “Text” field.

5. Save your changes.

That’s all there is to it! By following these steps, you can easily add a checkbox to your WooCommerce checkout page. This can be a great way to collect additional information from your customers or to offer them additional options.

PRO TIP: Adding a checkbox to the WooCommerce checkout process is a simple task that can be completed by following the instructions in this article. However, it is important to note that adding a checkbox to the checkout process can potentially cause problems with your checkout if not done correctly. For example, if the checkbox is not positioned correctly, it may cause the checkout process to malfunction. Additionally, if the code for the checkbox is not properly written, it could cause conflicts with other parts of the checkout process or your WooCommerce theme. Therefore, it is important to be careful when adding a checkbox to WooCommerce checkout and to test your checkout process thoroughly after adding the checkbox to ensure that everything is working as expected.
Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.