Website Building » Elementor » How do I add a contact form to WordPress Elementor?

How do I add a contact form to WordPress Elementor?

Last updated on December 25, 2022 @ 12:57 pm

Adding a contact form to your WordPress Elementor site is easy. Just follow these simple steps:

1. In the main WordPress Elementor screen, click on the “Add New Item” button.

2. On the resulting screen, click on the “Contact Form” tab.

3. In the resulting screen, you will need to enter the following information:

  • Name of the contact form: “Contact Form”
  • Shortname for the contact form: “ContactForm”
  • Url of the contact form:
  • Type of contact form: “Text”
  • Name of the contact form provider: “Google Forms”
  • Email address of the contact form provider: “”
  • Password of the contact form provider: “password”
  • Confirmation message: “Please confirm your email address.”

4. Click on the “Create” button to finish adding the contact form.

5. Click on the “Pages” tab to view the contact form on all the pages of your website.

6. Click on the “Contact Form” tab to edit the contact form details.

7. To add fields to the contact form, click on the “Add Field” button.

8. Add the fields that you need and click on the “Save” button.

9. To send the contact form data to the contact form provider, click on the “Send Data” button.

10. Enter the necessary data in the “Data to Send” field and click on the “Send” button.

11. Click on the “Close” button to finish editing the contact form details.

12. Click on the “Publish” button to publish the contact form on your website.

13. Click on the “Contact Form” tab to view the contact form statistics.

14. Click on the “Contact Form” tab to submit the contact form data to the contact form provider.

15. Click on the “Close” button to finish editing the contact form.

16. Click on the “Submit” button to submit the contact form data to the contact form provider.

17. Click on the “Thank You” button to thank the contact form provider for their help.

18. Click on the “Cancel” button to cancel the contact form.

19. Click on the “Home” button to return to the main WordPress Elementor screen.

20. Click on the “Settings” tab to change the contact form settings.

21. Click on the “Contact Form” tab to view the contact form settings.

22. Click on the “Mailchimp” link to add the contact form to your Mailchimp account.

23. Click on the “Add a new Mailchimp list” button to add a new Mailchimp list to your contact form.

24. Enter the necessary data in the “List Name” and “List Description” fields and click on the “Add” button.

25. Click on the “Add new Mailchimp list” button to add a new Mailchimp list to your contact form.

26. Click on the “Close” button to finish creating the contact form list.

27. Click on the “Send Test Emails” button to test the contact form.

28. Click on the “Contact Form” tab to view the contact form results.

PRO TIP: When adding a contact form to WordPress Elementor, be sure to first create a backup of your site. This will ensure that you have a copy of your site in case something goes wrong during the process.
Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.