Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Add a Coupon to WooCommerce for Free Shipping?

How Do I Add a Coupon to WooCommerce for Free Shipping?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 12:52 am

Adding a coupon to WooCommerce for free shipping is easy! Simply head to the WooCommerce > Settings > General tab and scroll down to the Shipping Zones section. From here, you can add a new shipping zone and include a free shipping method with a coupon code.

To get started, first create a new shipping zone by clicking on the “+ Add Shipping Zone” button. Give your shipping zone a name (e.g. “Free Shipping”), and then select the specific countries that you want to offer free shipping to.

Once you’ve saved your new shipping zone, click on the “Add Shipping Method” button. From the dropdown menu, select “Free Shipping” and then enter a brief description of your free shipping offer (e.

“Free standard shipping on all orders over $50”). Be sure to check the “Enable/Disable” box to make sure that your free shipping offer is enabled.

Scroll down to the “Restrictions” section and check the “Enable/Disable” box next to “Free Shipping Requires..A Coupon“. This will ensure that customers can only receive free shipping if they have a valid coupon code.

How Do I Add a Coupon to WooCommerce for Free Shipping?

Adding a coupon to WooCommerce for free shipping is easy! Simply head to the WooCommerce > Settings > General tab and scroll down to the Shipping Zones section.

To get started, first create a new shipping zone by clicking on the “+ Add Shipping Zone” button.

PRO TIP: If you’re planning to offer free shipping on your WooCommerce store, be sure to read this article first! We’ll cover how to add a coupon for free shipping, as well as a few things to keep in mind before you do.

Once you’ve saved your new shipping zone, click on the “Add Shipping Method” button. From the dropdown menu, select “Free Shipping” and then enter a brief description of your free shipping offer (e. Be sure to check the “Enable/Disable” box to make sure that your free shipping offer is enabled.

Scroll down to the “Restrictions” section and check the “Enable/Disable” box next to “Free Shipping Requires.A Coupon“.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.