Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Add a Currency Symbol in WooCommerce?

How Do I Add a Currency Symbol in WooCommerce?

Last updated on January 12, 2023 @ 3:48 pm

WooCommerce is a powerful e-commerce platform that allows you to easily create and manage an online store. One of the features of WooCommerce is the ability to customize the currency symbol that is displayed on your store. In this blog post, we will show you how to add a currency symbol in WooCommerce.

  1. The first step in adding a currency symbol in WooCommerce is to navigate to the WooCommerce settings page. To do this, go to the WordPress dashboard and click on the “WooCommerce” option in the left-hand menu. From there, click on the “Settings” tab, and then select the “General” option.
  2. On the General settings page, you will see a section labeled “Currency Options.” Within this section, you will see a drop-down menu labeled “Currency.” Use this menu to select the currency that you want to use for your store.
  3. Next, you will see a field labeled “Currency position.” This field allows you to specify where the currency symbol should be displayed in relation to the price. You can choose to display the symbol before or after the price.
  4. If you want to use a custom currency symbol, you can do so by checking the box labeled “Custom currency symbol.” This will reveal a text field where you can enter the custom symbol.
  5. If you are using a currency that requires a space between the symbol and the price, you can check the box labeled “Use a space between the symbol and the price.”
  6. Be sure to click the “Save Changes” button when you are finished.

That’s it! You have successfully added a currency symbol in WooCommerce. You can repeat this process at any time to change the currency or symbol that is displayed on your store. By customizing the currency symbol, you can ensure that your store appears professional and is easy to understand for customers from all over the world.

PRO TIP: When adding a currency symbol in WooCommerce, be sure to check the exchange rate first to ensure you are using the correct symbol. Also, be sure to update your prices regularly to ensure they are accurate.
Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.