Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Add a Grouped Product in WooCommerce?

How Do I Add a Grouped Product in WooCommerce?

Last updated on January 15, 2023 @ 10:47 am

In order to add a grouped product in WooCommerce, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. First, log in to your WordPress Dashboard and go to Products > Add New.
  2. Give your grouped product a name, and then scroll down to the Product Data section.
  3. In the Product Data section, select the Grouped product type from the dropdown menu.
  4. Now, you will see a list of all the products that are currently in your WooCommerce store. Select the products that you want to add to your grouped product, and then click on the Add to Group button.
  5. You can now adjust the price of each product in the group as well as set a default Category and Shipping class for the grouped product.
  6. Once you have finished setting up your grouped product, click on the Publish button to make it live on your WooCommerce store.

Adding a grouped product in WooCommerce is a great way to sell multiple products together. This can be useful for selling products that are related to each other or for creating special bundles or packages. By following the steps above, you can easily add a grouped product to your WooCommerce store.


Adding a grouped product in WooCommerce is simple and only takes a few minutes. By following the steps above, you can easily add multiple products together and sell them as one unit. This can be a great way to boost sales and increase customer satisfaction.

PRO TIP: If you are planning to add a grouped product in WooCommerce, please be aware that there are some important considerations to take into account before doing so. Grouped products can be tricky to set up and manage, so it is important to make sure that you have a good understanding of how they work before proceeding. Additionally, please keep in mind that grouped products can sometimes cause issues with shipping and taxes, so it is important to test your setup thoroughly before making it live on your site.
Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.