Website Building » Squarespace » How Do I Add a Header in Squarespace?

How Do I Add a Header in Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 3:25 am

There are two ways to add a header in Squarespace. The first way is to use the Header Content block.

To do this, simply add a Header Content block to the page and then enter the text for your header in the block. The second way is to use the Code Block. This method is a bit more advanced, but it allows you to add more than just text to your header.

If you want to use the Header Content block, simply drag and drop it onto your page. Then, enter the text for your header in the block. Once you’re done, you can style your header by selecting it and then using the options in the Style Editor.

If you want to use the Code Block, you’ll first need to add a Code Block to your page. Then, enter the following code into the block:

PRO TIP: Warning: Adding a header in Squarespace can be tricky. Follow the instructions carefully and be sure to back up your site before making any changes.
<div class="header">
  <h1>Your Header Text</h1>
  <p>Your subheader text</p>

Once you’ve added your code, you can style it using CSS. To do this, select the Code Block and then click on the CSS tab in the Style Editor. From here, you can add any CSS styles that you want to apply to your header.

That’s all there is to adding a header in Squarespace! Whether you use the Header Content block or the Code Block, you can easily add a header to any page on your site.

Adding a header in Squarespace is easy! Whether you use the Header Content block or the Code Block, you can easily add a header to any page on your site.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.