Website Building » Squarespace » How Do I Add a Hover Effect in Squarespace?

How Do I Add a Hover Effect in Squarespace?

Last updated on December 26, 2022 @ 6:37 pm

Adding a hover effect to your Squarespace website is a great way to add some interactivity and style to your site. There are a few different ways to do this, and the method you use will depend on what kind of hover effect you want to achieve.

If you want to add a simple hover effect, like changing the color of text when you hover over it, you can use the CSS :hover pseudo-class. To do this, just add the following code to your CSS file:

p:hover {
  color: red;

This will make all the text on your site turn red when you hover over it. If you only want to apply this effect to certain pieces of text, you can use CSS classes or ids. For example, if you only want the text in your navigation menu to change color on hover, you could use the following code:

PRO TIP: If you are not careful, adding a hover effect in Squarespace can adversely affect your site's performance. Make sure to test your site before and after adding any hover effects to ensure that there is no significant difference in loading times.

#navigation-menu li:hover {
  color: red;

If you want to add a more complex hover effect, like an image swap or animation, you'll need to use JavaScript. Squarespace doesn't have any built-in hover effects that you can enable, but there are plenty of tutorials and code snippets out there that you can use. Just do a search for "JavaScript hover effects" and you'll find what you're looking for.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.