Website Building » Wix » How Do I Add a Login Bar to Wix Mobile?

How Do I Add a Login Bar to Wix Mobile?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 7:29 am

There are three main ways to add a login bar to Wix Mobile: using the Wix Mobile app, using the Wix Mobile Editor, or adding HTML code directly to your site.

The Wix Mobile app is the easiest way to add a login bar to your site. Simply open the app, select the ‘Add Login Bar’ option from the ‘More’ menu, and then follow the on-screen instructions.


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PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with Wix Mobile, we recommend that you do not attempt to add a login bar. This could potentially disrupt the functionality of your site.

The Wix Mobile Editor is a bit more complex, but still relatively easy to use. First, open the editor and click on the ‘Add Login Bar’ button.

Then, enter your login information and select a style for your login bar. Finally, click ‘OK’ to save your changes.

If you’re comfortable working with HTML code, you can also add a login bar to your site by adding the following code to your site:


In conclusion, there are three main ways to add a login bar to Wix Mobile: using the Wix Mobile app, using the Wix Mobile Editor, or adding HTML code directly to your site. The best method for you will likely depend on your comfort level with HTML code and your overall website goals.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.