Web Design » Figma » How Do I Add a Motion in Figma?

How Do I Add a Motion in Figma?

Last updated on November 27, 2022 @ 6:03 pm

Adding a Motion in Figma is simple and easy to do!

Here’s how:

  1. Click on the “+” button in the left sidebar to create a new frame.
  2. Click on the “Motion” tab in the top bar.
  3. Click on the “Create Animation” button.
  4. Now, you can add your own animation by clicking on the “Add Keyframe” button and selecting the property you want to animate.
  5. Once you’re done, click on the “Play” button to see your animation in action!

And that’s all there is to it!

Creating animations in Figma is now super simple, thanks to the new Motion tool. So go ahead and give it a try!

PRO TIP: Adding a motion in Figma can be tricky and may not work as expected. Be sure to check the Figma documentation before adding any motion to your project.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.