Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Add a Simple Product to WooCommerce?

How Do I Add a Simple Product to WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 8:56 pm

Adding a product in WooCommerce is simple. To add a product, go to WooCommerce > Products and select the Add Product button. This will take you to the product editor.

Here, you will be able to add all the details about your product, including the name, description, price, and images.

Once you have added all the required information, click on the Publish button to make your product live.

PRO TIP: This article provides instruction on how to add a simple product to WooCommerce. However, it is important to note that adding a simple product to WooCommerce is only possible if you have installed the WooCommerce plugin. Additionally, you must have a WordPress account and be logged in to your site before you can add a product.


Adding a simple product in WooCommerce is a straightforward process. All you need to do is go to WooCommerce > Products and click on the Add Product button. This will take you to the product editor where you can add all the relevant details about your product. Once you are done, click on the Publish button to make your product live.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.