Website Building » Shopify » How Do I Add a Tracking Page on Shopify?

How Do I Add a Tracking Page on Shopify?

Last updated on January 13, 2023 @ 2:24 pm

Adding a tracking page on Shopify is easy and only takes a few minutes. To get started, log into your Shopify account and go to the “Online Store” section. Next, click on the “Pages” link and then click on the “Add Page” button.

In the “Page Title” field, enter “Track Your Order” and then click on the “Save Page” button.

Now, you’ll need to add some content to your tracking page. To do this, click on the “Edit HTML” button.

Enter the following code into the HTML editor:

Track Your Order

Enter your order number below and we’ll provide you with an update on your shipment.


<label for=”orderNumber”>Order Number</label>
<input type=”text” id=”orderNumber”>

<input type=”submit” value=”Track Order”>


Click on the “Save” button and you’re done!

Adding a tracking page on Shopify is easy and only takes a few minutes. To get started, log into your Shopify account and go to the “Online Store” section. Next, click on the “Pages” link and then click on the “Add Page” button. In the “Page Title” field, enter “Track Your Order” and then click on the “Save Page” button.

Now, you’ll need to add some content to your tracking page. To do this, click on the “Edit HTML” button. Enter the following code into the HTML editor:

Track Your Order

Enter your order number below and we’ll provide you with an update on your shipment.

PRO TIP: If you are planning to add a tracking page on Shopify, be aware that there is a known issue with the Shopify platform that can cause tracking pages to disappear. This issue has been reported to Shopify, but has not yet been resolved. In the meantime, it is recommended that you do not add a tracking page to your Shopify store, or if you do, be sure to create a backup of the page so that you can restore it if it disappears.

<label for=”orderNumber”>Order Number</label>

<input type=”text” id=”orderNumber”>

<input type=”submit” value=”Track Order”>


Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.