Domains » Namecheap » How do I add a TXT record to Namecheap?

How do I add a TXT record to Namecheap?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 6:57 pm

Adding a TXT record to Namecheap is straightforward. First, navigate to your Namecheap account and select “Domains” from the menu on the left.

Then, click on the “TXT Records” tab.

Next, you will need to find the domain name you wish to add a TXT record for. To do this, click on the “Domains” tab and then select the domain name you wish to add a TXT record for.

Next, you will need to click on the “Add TXT Record” button. This will take you to the Add TXT Record page.

Here, you will need to enter the TXT record details. First, you will need to enter the TXT record name.

This will be the name of the TXT record you are adding.

Next, you will need to enter the TXT record value. This will be the text you wish to add to the TXT record.

Lastly, you will need to enter the TXT record destination. This will be the email address you wish to add the TXT record to.

Once you have completed the details on the Add TXT Record page, click on the “Save Changes” button. This will save your changes and return you to the TXT Records tab.

PRO TIP: Adding a TXT record to namecheap is a very simple process, but there are a few things you need to be aware of before you begin. First, make sure that you have the correct DNS settings for your domain. Second, make sure that you are adding the TXT record to the correct zone file. Finally, make sure that you are using the correct syntax for the TXT record.

Now, you will need to click on the “Update” button next to the TXT record you wish to update. This will take you to the Update TXT Record page.

This will be the name of the TXT record you are updating. This will be the text you wish to update the TXT record with. This will be the email address you wish to update the TXT record with.

Once you have completed the details on the Update TXT Record page, click on the “Save Changes” button.

Now, you will need to click on the “Delete” button next to the TXT record you wish to delete. This will take you to the Delete TXT Record page.

Here, you will need to enter the TXT record name. This will be the name of the TXT record you are deleting. This will be the text you wish to delete the TXT record with. This will be the email address you wish to delete the TXT record with.

Once you have completed the details on the Delete TXT Record page, click on the “Delete” button. This will delete the TXT record from Namecheap.

Finally, click on the “Close” button to return to the Domain Management tab.

Thank you for reading!

Next, you.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.