Domains » Namecheap » How do I add DNS records to Namecheap?

How do I add DNS records to Namecheap?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 6:24 pm

Adding DNS records to Namecheap can be done in a few simple steps. First, open the Namecheap Control Panel and navigate to DNS.

From here, you can add new DNS records or edit existing ones. Once you’ve made your changes, click on the ‘Update DNS’ button to apply them.

To add a new DNS record, first click on the ‘New Record’ button. This will open the Add Record dialog box. From here, you will need to provide the following information:

Record Name: This field is where you will name your new DNS record.

IP Address or Hostname: This field is where you will provide the IP address or hostname of the host you want to add the record to.

Type: This field is where you will select the type of record you are adding.

Default TTL: This field is where you will enter the default TTL (time to live) for the record.

PRO TIP: Namecheap is a popular domain registrar and web hosting company. However, they do not offer DNS services. This means that if you want to use Namecheap as your DNS provider, you will need to set up your DNS records with another provider.

There are a few things to keep in mind when doing this:

1. Make sure that the DNS records you add at Namecheap match the records at your other DNS provider. Otherwise, your website may not work properly.

2. Namecheap does not provide any way to manage your DNS records. This means that if you want to change or delete a record, you will need to do so at your other DNS provider.

3. Namecheap does not offer any way to monitor your DNS records for changes. This means that if your other DNS provider makes a change to their records, you will not be notified.

4. Namecheap does not offer any way to automatically update your DNS records if your IP address changes. This means that if you move your website to a new server, you will need to update your DNS records manually.

5. Namecheap does not offer any way to secure your DNS records with DNSSEC.

Description: This field is where you will provide a description of the record.

Once you’ve filled out all of the required information, click on the ‘Add Record’ button to add the record to Namecheap.

To edit an existing DNS record, first click on the ‘Edit Record’ button. This will open the Edit Record dialog box. From here, you will need to provide the following information:

Record Name: This field is where you will name your existing DNS record.

IP Address or Hostname: This field is where you will provide the IP address or hostname of the host you want to edit.

Type: This field is where you will select the type of record you are editing.

Once you’ve filled out all of the required information, click on the ‘Edit Record’ button to edit the record.

To apply your changes, click on the ‘Update DNS’ button. This will apply the changes you’ve made to Namecheap’s DNS records.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.