Website Building » WordPress » How do I add icons to WordPress?

How do I add icons to WordPress?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 12:53 am

Adding icons to WordPress is a pretty simple process. First, you will need to download the WordPress icon library. Once you have downloaded the library, you can follow these simple steps to add icons to your WordPress website:

1. Upload the WordPress icon library to your website.

2. Open the icon library in your web browser.

3. Drag and drop the icons you want to use onto your website.

4. Click the “Save Icon Location” button.

5. Enter a name for your icon in the “Icon Name” field.

6. Click the “Create” button.

7. Your icons will now be added to your website.


Adding icons to your WordPress website is a simple process that can help to improve the look and feel of your website.

PRO TIP: Adding icons to WordPress can be done by adding a plugin or edititing the theme files. However, before doing so, it is recommended to backup your website. This is because if something goes wrong, you may lose all your data.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.