Website Building » Shopify » How Do I Add Multiple Prices on Shopify?

How Do I Add Multiple Prices on Shopify?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 3:51 pm

Adding multiple prices to your Shopify products is a great way to offer different options to your customers. For example, you might want to offer a small discount for customers who purchase a product in bulk. Or, you might want to offer a lower price for customers who sign up for a subscription.

Here are a few ways to add multiple prices to your Shopify products:

  • 1. Use Shopify’s built-in price rules.
  • 2.

    Use Shopify’s app store.

  • 3. Use a third-party app.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these options:

  1. Use Shopify’s built-in price rules. Shopify has a built-in pricing feature that allows you to offer different prices to different customer groups. To use this feature, go to Settings > Prices. Then, create a new price rule and select the customer groups that you want to offer the discounted price to. Finally, enter the discounted price that you want to charge.
  1. Use Shopify’s app store. Shopify’s app store has a number of apps that allow you to offer different prices to different customer groups. To find these apps, go to Shopify’s app store and search for “price rules” or “discounts.” Once you’ve found an app that meets your needs, follow the instructions on how to install and configure it.
  1. Use a third-party app. If you can’t find an app in Shopify’s app store that meets your needs, you can use a third-party app.

    There are many third-party apps available that allow you to offer different prices to different customer groups. To find these apps, do a web search for “price rules” or “discounts.

The best way to add multiple prices on Shopify depends on your needs and preferences. If you’re looking for a simple solution, use Shopify’s built-in price rules feature. If you need more advanced features, use an app from the Shopify app store or a third-party app.

PRO TIP: If you are planning to add multiple prices on Shopify, be aware that this may cause some confusion for your customers. Make sure to clearly label each price so that your customers know what they are paying for.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.