Website Building » Squarespace » How Do I Add Permissions to Squarespace?

How Do I Add Permissions to Squarespace?

Last updated on December 12, 2022 @ 4:50 am

There are two ways to add permissions to your Squarespace account:

1. Invite a collaborator – You can invite someone to join your site as a collaborator.

This gives them access to the site builder and lets them help you build your site. To invite a collaborator, go to Settings > Collaborators and enter their email address. They’ll receive an email with instructions on how to sign in.

2. Add a user – If you have a business or eCommerce plan, you can add a user to your site. This gives them access to the backend of Squarespace, where they can manage orders, view analytics, and more. To add a user, go to Settings > Users.

Enter their email address and choose a role from the drop-down menu. Then click Send Invite.


You can add permissions to your Squarespace account by inviting a collaborator or adding a user. Inviting a collaborator gives them access to the site builder, while adding a user gives them access to the backend of Squarespace.

To add a collaborator, go to Settings > Collaborators and enter their email address. To add a user, go to Settings > Users and enter their email address. Choose a role from the drop-down menu and click Send Invite.

PRO TIP: Warning: Adding permissions to your Squarespace account can be a complex process. Make sure you understand the risks before proceeding.
Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.