Website Building » Elementor » How do I add read more in Elementor?

How do I add read more in Elementor?

Last updated on December 21, 2022 @ 6:37 am

Adding read more in Elementor is fairly easy. But first, there are a few steps that you must take for it to be added smoothly.

To get started, go to the “Settings” option on the left menu and select “Reading.”

In the Reading Settings, select the “static page” option for the “Your homepage displays” section, then select one page each for the two drop-down menus below. Once done, click on “Save Changes.”

NOTE: If you don’t have pages yet, go to “Pages” on the left menu and select “Add New”. Once you’ve added a name for your page, click on the “Publish” button.

Now, go to the post where you would like to add a read more widget.

Click on the “Edit with Elementor” button.

In the Elementor editor, search for the “Read more” widget.

From there, drag it below the text where you want to place it.

You can change the text displayed in the widget using the settings on the left.

Now, add a “Text editor” widget below the “Read more” widget.

Then, cut a portion of the text above and paste it into the Text editor.

NOTE: This is where we will place the text that we want to be seen when the “Read more” widget is triggered.


PRO TIP: Adding a “read more” link in Elementor is a simple way to shorten your posts and make them more readable. However, if you are not careful, you can accidentally input the wrong text or post. Make sure you review your content before publishing!

Once done, hit on the “Update” button.

To see the changes, go to the “Posts Page” that you selected in the Reading Settings earlier. There, you can see the “Read more” widget applied to your post.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.