Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Add Social Media Icons to WooCommerce Product Pages?

How Do I Add Social Media Icons to WooCommerce Product Pages?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 1:02 am

Adding social media icons to your WooCommerce product pages can be a great way to promote your products and encourage customers to share them with their friends and followers. There are a few different ways to do this, and the method you choose will depend on where you want the icons to appear and what type of icons you want to use.

One way to add social media icons to your WooCommerce product pages is to use a plugin. There are a number of plugins available that will allow you to add social media icons to your pages, and they vary in terms of features and price.

Some of the more popular plugins include Social Media Icons for WooCommerce, which is a free plugin that offers a variety of icon styles, and Social Media Share Buttons for WooCommerce, which is a paid plugin that includes more features such as the ability to add share buttons as well asicons.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that adding social media icons to WooCommerce product pages can result in decreased page performance and load times. Additionally, this may result in a loss of customer engagement on your site.

Another way to add social media icons to your WooCommerce product pages is to manually add them using HTML. This method requires a bit more knowledge of HTML, but it can be done relatively easily if you have basic knowledge of the code. To manually add social media icons, you first need to find or create the icons you want to use.

Once you have the icons, you need to upload them to your server. Then, you can use HTML code to add the icons to your product pages where you want them to appear.

There are two main ways that you can add social media icons to your WooCommerce product pages – by using a plugin or by manually adding them using HTML code. Which method you choose will depend on your level of coding knowledge and where you want the icons to appear on your pages.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.