Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Add Tags to WooCommerce Products?

How Do I Add Tags to WooCommerce Products?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 1:02 am

Adding tags to your WooCommerce products is a great way to help customers find what they’re looking for, and it’s also a good way to keep your products organized. Here’s how to add tags to WooCommerce products:

1. Go to the Products page in your WordPress admin panel.

2. Select the product you want to add tags to.


In the Product Data section, select the Tags tab.

4. Enter the tags you want to add in the Add New Product Tag field, and then click Add New Product Tag. Repeat this step for each tag you want to add.

5. When you’re finished adding tags, click Update.

Adding tags to your WooCommerce products is a great way to help customers find what they’re looking for, and it’s also a good way to keep your products organized. Follow the steps above to add tags to your WooCommerce products.

PRO TIP: Adding tags to WooCommerce products can be a great way to help customers find the products they are looking for. However, it is important to be careful when adding tags to products, as they can potentially cause problems if not used correctly. For example, if you add a tag to a product that is already assigned to another product, it could cause the products to become confused and appear in the wrong search results. In addition, if you add too many tags to a product, it could make the product difficult to find in search engines. As such, it is important to use tags carefully and only add them when they will be genuinely useful for customers.
Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.